Please subscribe to our newsletter

I know, mailing lists are often useless. I get them too! But I promise this one will be different.

If you do not already know me, my name is Jerry Bransom. I am the owner of BTS Electric Service in Lodi California.

For more than 45 years, I have worked my way from a helper to a journeyman to a Master Electrician to a Contractor and Engineer. BTS Electric Service is my company and I am proud of the work I have done under that name.

It seems as though every day there is something new here at BTS. A problem to be solved, testing machines for one of our customers, insight on some new technology that can help my customers.

I want to share those things with you from my point of view.

If you want to be on the list, complete the subscribing tasks. I made it easy.

If you grow tired of this, just click the UNSUBSCRIBE Button on your Newsletter email and it will stop. I promise that.

I do not use this list for anything other than communicating with my customers. We have a privacy notice that explicitly says that.

Thank You in advance.

Jerry Bransom - List Owner

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